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134 results returned
  • Can We Reach a Fair Settlement? Resolving Construction Disputes

    50 Minutes As the adage goes, “A good settlement is one in which neither party is happy”. Parties in construction disputes need to adjust expectations and how they approach settlement discussions by honestly assessing their exposure. This presentation addresses the...

    • Duration 50m
  • Closing Statements (Recorded Webinar)

    Closing arguments enable parties to end with the strengths of their case. Any evidence that directly supports the theory of your case should be included. Also, the opposing party’s weaknesses should be identified. Closing arguments should summarize the facts and...

    • Duration 30m
  • Defining Just Cause: Standards and Applications Aug. 22nd 2024

    Duration: 30 Minutes Location: Online via Zoom Program Description: This comprehensive webinar is designed to provide HR professionals, managers, union representatives, and legal practitioners with a thorough understanding of the concept of “Just Cause” in labor arbitration. Just cause typically refers to...

    • Event
  • Drafting Arbitration Clauses - The Basics and Beyond

    The value of a well-written, customized arbitration clause cannot be overestimated, especially in light of the courts’ continued enforcement of arbitration agreements and the Federal Arbitration Act’s narrow grounds on which a court may vacate an arbitrator’s award. The agreement to...

    • Duration 45m
  • Effective Collective Bargaining Negotiations 10.10.24

    Processing a grievance, discussing the settlement of an arbitration case, or attempting to agree upon terms and conditions in a collective bargaining agreement all require negotiation. This course will provide practical tips and experience negotiating agreements through lectures, facilitated discussion,...

    • Event
  • Effective Collective Bargaining Negotiations 12.10.24

    Processing a grievance, discussing the settlement of an arbitration case, or attempting to agree upon terms and conditions in a collective bargaining agreement all require negotiation. This course will provide practical tips and experience negotiating agreements through lectures, facilitated discussion,...

    • Event
  • Effective Use of Dispute Resolution Boards

    Dispute Resolution Boards (DRBs) provide a confidential forum and experts familiar with the technical issues associated with a construction project in order to prevent disputes or achieve their early settlement. This enables parties to remain focused on the project rather...

    • Duration 1.5h
  • Employment Law Implications of a Remote Workplace

    80 Minutes This recorded presentation addresses the issues related to remote workplaces that employers have had to face as they shifted their workforce to remote offices and homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic continues to pose a threat...

    • Duration 1.3h
  • Employment Law Webinar Series

    “The Era of COVID-19: The Dynamic Changes in the Workplace” After a year of turmoil and as we begin to shift toward a post-pandemic era, please join our experienced faculty on their discussions with topics pertaining to the challenges of...

    • Duration 4h
  • Employment Mock Hearing Webinar (PRW)

    180 Minutes This webinar will provide a walk-through and demonstration of what a hearing looks like, including the perspective of three experienced employment attorneys. Highlights of the mock hearing will include the arbitrator’s opening statement, the parties’ opening statements, witness...

    • Duration 3h
  • Fundamentals of Effective Mediation Advocacy

    180 Minutes This is a self-paced online study course you can take and complete at your leisure. It is designed to provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the mediation process in general and to provide instruction and "best practices"...

    • Duration 3h
  • Game-Changing Arbitration Cases - Impacts On Construction Arbitration

    90 Minutes AAA Rules and recent cases interpreting the Federal Arbitration Act significantly expand the powers of arbitrators to rule on important issues such as jurisdiction, arbitrability, defenses, and on the authority of arbitrators to streamline the proceedings. In addition,...

    • Duration 1.5h
  • Getting Started in ADR - A How To for Women

    This 60-minute recorded roundtable discussion addresses the importance of diversity in the field of ADR featuring AAA/ICDR arbitrators Maureen Beyers, Melinda Jayson and Edna Sussman. Among the topics addressed are:  Getting started within ADR Marketing yourself as an ADR expert...

    • Duration 1h
    • Rating 5.0
  • Grievance Processing - Contract Administration

    105 Minutes In this presentation, participants will learn from an experienced faculty about the important information and the essential facts needed to understand and administer the contract.  The faculty focuses on the following topics:  Contract Interpretation:  An Overview Problems in...

    • Duration 1.8h
  • Grievance Processing - Elements of the Grievance Procedures

    60 Minutes In this presentation, participants will learn from experienced faculty about the intricate details that define the grievance procedures.  The faculty focuses on the following topics: Defining a Grievance Assessment of Grievances Drafting Your Grievance Contents of a Grievance...

    • Duration 1h