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Duration: 30 minutes

Location: Online via Zoom

Program Description:

Whether delivered orally at the close of a hearing or submitted in writing as a post-hearing brief, the primary purpose of closing argument is to facilitate a favorable determination by the arbitrator. In this webinar, an experienced labor arbitrator will share insights on how and when to use closing arguments and brief-writing to effectively conclude your case. Participants will learn how to craft a compelling closing statement, explore best practices for brief-writing, and discover what arbitrators look for in closing arguments and briefs.


Daniel G. Zeiser, Esq. – AAA Labor Arbitrator
Janice Holdinski - AAA VP - Moderator

CLE Information:

The AAA has not applied for and is not offering CLE credits in any jurisdiction for this program. Registrants desiring CLE credit (or those professionals in a discipline other than the practice of law) will be able to request a certificate of attendance, which may be used for self-pursuit of CLE credit in their jurisdictions. In so doing, the AAA suggests that you confirm applications requirements for this type of course with the appropriate licensing body.

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