Arbitration Unlocked - Module II - First Impressions Matter: Preliminary Hearing Pointers

Price: USD $35.00
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25 Minutes
Make an indelible mark in the early stages of arbitration with "First Impressions Matter: Preliminary Hearing Pointers." This concise and insightful program empowers legal professionals with the knowledge and strategies essential for success during preliminary hearings.
Presented by experienced arbitrators, this program offers a distinctive opportunity to gain insights and practical techniques for mastering preliminary hearings, setting the stage for a successful dispute resolution process. Preliminary hearings in arbitration play a pivotal role in shaping your case's trajectory. This program delves into the key elements advocates must consider during this critical phase, providing an inclusive overview of effective preparation and procedural considerations specific to preliminary hearings. Experts unveil preparation pointers, procedural proficiency principles, and effective agenda setting techniques to optimize this pivotal phase.
Maureen Beyers, Esq. – Beyers Law – New York, NY/Phoenix, AZ
John Shope, Esq. – Foley Hoag – Boston, MA
The AAA does not offer CLE in any jurisdiction for our on-demand programs, but you may be able to use a copy of the certificate available at the conclusion of the course to submit for CLE credit on your own (we recommend that you confirm availability of CLE in your jurisdiction for this type of course).
Total: USD $35.00