The American Arbitration Association® is well known for specializing in beginning-to-end administered arbitration as a cost-effective alternative to litigation. While the AAA offers high value case management services, we also make it possible for parties to use various stand-alone administrative services in circumstances where contracts provide for ad hoc or self-administered arbitration. These services provide the AAA’s high standards, but allow parties to choose only the processes suited to their specific circumstances. This 9-minute, pre-recorded presentation provides an overview of the following á la carte services:
• Case Financial Administration Services – An option for users to access the full range of financial administration services provided by the AAA – without full case administration.
• AAA Arbitrator Select: List Only or List and Appointment Services – An option for users to select the best, most appropriate arbitrator for their dispute without additional administration by the AAA.
• Arbitrator Challenge Review Procedures for Non-Administered Arbitrations – Parties to non-administered arbitrations may agree to use this service to submit objections or challenges to an arbitrator’s continued service. The procedures provide an expeditious, cost-effective alternative to having such challenges decided by a court.
• Judicial Settlement Conference – This service provides businesses, individuals, and government agencies with an alternative dispute resolution procedure that is similar in methods to judicial settlement conferences used successfully by the courts.
• AAA Optional Appellate Arbitration Rules – When parties seek a more comprehensive appeal of an arbitral award, these rules allow for a streamlined, high-level review of the awards within the arbitration process.
• AAA eDiscovery Special Master Select – Innovative, cost-effective access to the AAA’s distinguished and experienced eDiscovery Special Master Panel to assist with managing and resolving the most complicated eDiscovery issues in litigation or arbitration.
• Hearing Room Rentals – The AAA maintains hearing rooms available for rental across the country, as a convenience to the parties even in matters not being administered by the AAA.
The AAA does not offer CLE in any jurisdiction for our online programs, but you may be able to use a copy of the certificate available at the conclusion of the course to submit for CLE credit on your own (we recommend that you confirm availability of CLE in your jurisdiction for this type of course).
AAA A La Carte Services