60 Minutes

AAA Arbitrators Sandra Jeskie and Ernest Badway explore the interesting interplay of the metaverse and its relationship with the use of Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs) as products and services in the metaverse. Essentially, NFTs may be bought and sold with cryptocurrency via the blockchain, Web3’s infrastructure. Web3 is a new set of standards for how the internet should be used and governed that people are now using to access the metaverse. The metaverse supports gaming, social media, retail, and other experiences. Additionally, the webinar will also discuss NFTs’ technological, factual, and legal issues surrounding their formation and structure. A key component of this webinar is a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the technology in question, and the views of various regulators. Further, the webinar discusses the foundational issues and smart contracts that comprise NFTs as well as legal issues, including privacy/security; intellectual property; securities; and contract law. Finally, Sandra and Ernie discuss how disputes arising from this new area in various business, commercial, and financial arrangements are tailor made for AAA arbitration.

Sandra A Jeskie, Duane Morris, LLP Los Angeles , CA
Ernest Badway, Fox Rothschild LLP New York, NY

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