Employment Mock Hearing Webinar (PRW)

Price: USD $50.00
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180 Minutes
This webinar will provide a walk-through and demonstration of what a hearing looks like, including the perspective of three experienced employment attorneys. Highlights of the mock hearing will include the arbitrator’s opening statement, the parties’ opening statements, witness examination, objections, management of exhibits, admission of evidence, presentation of facts, legal arguments, closing arguments, as well as other intricate details that define the hearing process.
In addition, this webinar will provide practical techniques, advocacy skills, insights, tips and strategies on how to prepare for your next employment arbitration hearing. The experienced faculty will explain what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and offer practical advice throughout the hearing.
Joseph Garrison, Garrison, Levin-Epstein, Fitzgerald & Pirrotti, P.C. New Haven, CT
Virginia Crimmins, Crimmins Law Firm, LLC Independence , MO
Mark Travis, Travis ADR Services, LLC Cookeville, TN
The AAA does not offer CLE in any jurisdiction for our on-demand programs, but you may be able to use a copy of the certificate available at the conclusion of the course to submit for CLE credit on your own (we recommend that you confirm availability of CLE in your jurisdiction for this type of course).
Total: USD $50.00